Our Thoughts2017-02-03T11:11:57-05:00

Our Thoughts

5 Signs You Might Be an Entrepreneur at Heart

If you possess the drive, you can thrive. Here at Media Images, we’re a band of entrepreneurs. We’ve seen a little bit of everything in our past 20 years of operation, so we know what it takes to succeed—especially when everyone says you can’t. Here are five signs that show you might possess the spirit of an entrepreneur (hint: it’s [...]

July 26th, 2017|

5 Tips for Your Best Live Event Production

Take your event to the next level with these tried-and-true production tips. Live event production is our domain. It’s where we thrive. We love to put on a show and seamlessly perform all those behind-the-scenes transitions. We revel in the excitement of split decisions and take pride in making those on stage look good. Live event production is a thrilling [...]

July 17th, 2017|

7 ProPresenter Features You Didn’t Know You Needed

One of the best church software programs just got a little better. ProPresenter is one of the most common and most powerful pieces of church software. Over the years, it has developed into an industry staple. Many church production teams use it every weekend (we’re big fans ourselves) but few are aware of some of the best features hidden in [...]

June 20th, 2017|

When Nice Companies Finish First

Never underestimate the power of kindness. There is a school of thought in the business world that says, in order to succeed in business, you shouldn’t care about anyone but yourself. “Numero Uno” comes first and everyone else is in the way. And you have to do whatever it takes to get to the top—to be the best. That means [...]

June 5th, 2017|

The Top 5 Reasons I’m Excited About the Canon C200

Finally. As a long-time Canon shooter, I have always loved the look of the C series cameras in Canon’s lineup. There’s just something about the colors, noise pattern, ruggedness, and form factor that a spec sheet could never fully describe. While I still constantly reach for a C series camera for the majority of our shoots, I can’t seem to [...]

June 2nd, 2017|

5 Things Your Church Website Should Have: Going Deeper

Take your church website to the next level with these tech features. In our last post about the five basic things your church website should have, we explored the need for easy to find times and locations, an easy way to give, honesty and transparency, and good, original content. Let’s pick up where we left off and show you five [...]

June 1st, 2017|

5 Things Your Church Website Should Have: The Basics

Keep it simple with these easy church website tips. When a person is searching for a church, one of their first moves will be to check out your website. Make sure it has a few basic necessities! In the first of this two-part article, let’s cover the basic things your church website should have. 1. Easy to find times and [...]

May 15th, 2017|

Leaders: Don’t be Distracted by the Little Things

There’s a whole new meaning to “the devil is in the details.” Have you ever worked with a CEO who obsessed over the details of their company? One who lead a team of hundreds of employees, yet found themselves worrying about and supervising the small things, attending low-level meetings and dealing with matters their employees should handle? If you know [...]

April 24th, 2017|

The Age-Old Secret to Effective Video Communications

The secret to better video communications is right under your nose. So far, we’ve written about why your business’s website needs more video, ways to make your video accessible to a wider audience, and reasons to ramp up your video marketing this year. But how do you get there? Whether you’re hiring a professional video production company or looking to [...]

April 17th, 2017|

Does My Organization Need An Instagram?

Step up your Insta game. Just three months ago, Instagram announced a staggering 600 million users and counting—the last 100 million of which joined in the preceding six months alone. This incredible growth shows the potential to one day surpass Facebook and maybe even become the new Goliath of social media. Even more, it shows that Instagram is noticeably climbing [...]

March 21st, 2017|

7 Reasons Why Your Website Should Have Video

In a world where content is king, your website and video can and should live together. Media Images made its debut solely as a video company. Web and other services joined the program as a result of our need to supplement our video services and bring our expertise of high quality, creative media online. Plus, many of our clients live [...]

March 7th, 2017|

Four Ways to Make Your Video Accessible to a Wider Audience

Closed Captioning, Transcription, Translation and Subtitling – Four Ways to Make Your Video Accessible to a Wider Audience Everyone should see your video. That’s the goal, right? You’ve put your intellectual capital, energy, money, and, heart and soul into the video you’ve made. As you get ready to launch your new content, ask yourself if there are any target audiences that [...]

March 1st, 2017|

How To Best Utilize Your Church Volunteers

Get the most out of your volunteer staff for your church’s production. Volunteers are a huge part of church production. They’re the behind-the-scenes unassuming superheros who pull off every weekend service—many, if not all of them, unpaid. Pastors often push for more people to get involved, while those who are already serving, especially in production, cringe at the word “volunteer.” [...]

February 13th, 2017|

What Can Live Streaming Do For Your Organization?

Going live with a webcast or streaming broadcast can have a huge impact on your business. Video is predicted to be one of the hottest marketing mediums this year. But don’t take our word for it: Cisco says global consumer consumption of video content will reach 82% of all traffic on the Internet by 2020. Tubular Insights says more people [...]

February 10th, 2017|

Thinking Beyond AV for Your Event

From strategy to social media, there are so many ways to make your event great. One of the most common and effective ways to promote and execute an event is by using technology. Just attend any modern-day event and you’ll see the marks of technology all over it. The lights, the cameras, the big screens displaying what most of the [...]

January 30th, 2017|

Top 10 Reasons to Ramp Up Video Marketing in 2017

If you want to stay competitive, your company is going to need video marketing in 2017. Cisco says 69% of all Internet traffic this year will be video. Syndacast takes it even further – they’re predicting 74%. Even if the reality falls somewhere in between, these are some powerful numbers that your business should pay attention to. Whether it’s live [...]

January 22nd, 2017|

Why Is Everyone Talking About Drones?

In the world of video, drones are a disruptive influence. Much has been written in the field of information technology about how the Internet has “disrupted” the world as we know it, by putting the power of handheld digital devices at our fingertips. A disrupter is generally associated with a powerful, earth-shattering force that changes how we live and work. [...]

January 15th, 2017|

Facebook Live? Livestream? Both?

Facebook rules. It’s a brilliantly savvy monetized social media platform that’s getting almost everything right. Just look at the numbers: 1.79 billion people use Facebook each month. 1.18 billion people log into Facebook daily. Many marketers agree that Facebook is still the reigning champ of social media. One of the latest updates in the past year included Facebook Live - a [...]

January 6th, 2017|
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