Our Video Work
Documentary Intro
Several years ago, we had the opportunity to be a part of a Morgan Spurlock documentary about...documentaries... The producers needed to film an introduction with Spurlock at the historic Muamee Indoor Theater in Muamee, OH. Media Images provided the camera and jib work along with lighting. Competing with the on and off rain that evening, we [...]
StationDrop Explainer Video
StationDrop needed a way to clearly and efficiently communicate why someone should work with them. Our creative team determined that a concise, animated film with a little bit of humor is exactly what they needed. Many of producers who would be using StationDrop technology can relate with the situations our animated characters finds theirselves in. StationDrop solves a [...]
Media Catapult Explainer Video
Media Catapult offers a powerful software that allows video on demand or live video to be streamed to millions of people using all kinds of different devices. They needed a simple, concise way to explain its propriety software. We were able to condense down a complicated topic into a 3 minute animation and threw in a [...]